Having a line of credit handy is extremely important for a small business.
Honestly, you never know what kind of expense may creep up that you can’t cover with your cash flow at the moment. But it’s not easy or practical to get a business loan in a tight jam. What to do?
Enter small business credit cards.
Not only do they provide credit, you can also find benefits such as cash back, rewards, flexible payment terms, separate tracking for business expenses, and more!
Is a business credit card always the best option for you?
No. The CARD Act of 2009 put consumer protections in place for consumer cards but those protections aren’t mandatory for business cards. Also, if your business expenses don’t justify a line of credit then you may be fine without a business card. You may also find that you would be better off with a specific airlines miles card or travel rewards card that gives you better suited benefits than a card for your small business.
But if you are looking for a line of credit that’s separate from your personal cards or you are looking for a card that offers small business tools that will benefit you, like discounts or employee tracking, then a small business credit card can be a great choice.