Do you want to make money with your blog? You work your rear off writing great articles and designing your site. Would you love to be able to earn some income for your work? With the right steps you can build up a site that can supplement your salary, pay off your car, pay your mortgage, or perhaps even one day become a full-time career.
But where to start?
I created Free From Broke over three years ago. What information I got about making money from a blog I got from various articles written here and there and the rest was trial and error. It’s only now that I think I have a decent idea of the better ways to monetize my site. I’m not getting rich from this but it does help pay the car bills. I wish there was something that could have provided me a ton of tips on how to get started!
Introducing How To Make Money With A Blog eBook
My friend Peter, who runs Bible Money Matters, put together an awesome resource for bloggers who want to make money with their blog called appropriately – Blueprint for How to Make Money With a Blog. You may have read his series about making money from a blog on his site. Well, he’s now put together a comprehensive package with the information from the series and added some great additions like task checklists and an mp3 version.
Here’s what’s included in the package:
- Blueprint For How To Make Money With A Blog eBook
- Audio Version of the eBook
- Start a Blog Checklist
- Daily, Weekly, Monthly Blog Tasks Checklist
- Advice From Successful Bloggers eBook (included for a limited time)
Let’s look at some of the highlights:
Blueprint For How To Make Money With A Blog eBook – The eBook is 35 pages long and is an easy read full of explanations, definitions, and definitions. Peter also includes many helpful links to articles with additional help. Part I of the eBook explains the steps you need to get your blog up and running from scratch. What blogging software to use; Choosing a domain name; Setting up WordPress on your host; Installing a blog theme; Choosing plugins for your site; and more. Some people will tell you that getting started blogging is easy. Yeah, it is easy to get started. But if you want to monetize your site then you want to make sure you have everything set up the best way possible. Many start off blogging on a free platform then discover they want to move on to something more customizable to their needs. This is where setting up site can get tricky. I remember when I moved from Blogspot to self-hosting a WordPress site. I think I was up until four in the morning trying to figure out how to get everything to work. Uploading files, FTP, DNS servers, themes, plugins, it can be overwhelming. Having a guide and advice to lay out basics would have really helped quicken my learning curve!
Part II talks about the blog itself – writing content, getting the search engines to find you, promoting your site, and getting links back to your site. The saying in blogging is “content is king.” If you aren’t writing good, useful content then you won’t get the visitors and links from other sites. Peter goes into detail on how you should go about your writing, promoting your articles, and search engine optimization (sounds like a strange term but basically means making it easy for people to find you stuff when they type in term in a search engine).
Part III is where we get to the money making part. See, it’s not just about plastering ads all over the place and hoping visitors will click away. You need to lay some groundwork first to make the advertising work well. Peter is honest here and states that most blogs don’t make money for the first six months (I think it took me like seven months to get my first Adsense payout). But if you stick with it and you have your site set up well you will start earning money. How much? Well, that’s up to you but the eBooks’s advice and the types of ads that are out there, where to put them, and optimizing the ads will help you from bumbling around making trial and error mistakes. If I have a gripe about this eBook it’s that it almost seems unfair. This wasn’t around when I started and I had to learn many steps the hard way (as did Peter). A package like this can save you SO MUCH TIME!
As if the eBook weren’t good enough you also get the awesome blog tasks checklists! Peter lists items you should be taking care of daily, weekly, and monthly. So here I am reviewing the eBook package and I’m looking at the check lists. BAM! I forgot to submit articles to blog carnivals this week (a great way to get your articles in front of eyes and get links back to your site). Thank you task list!! I’ve been doing this for years and these task lists are helpful. I now have a folder on my desktop with the eBook and the tasklists for quick reference.
“Ok, so this is a great resource but what’s the cost?,” you are thinking. The whole package of How To Make Money With Your Blog is available for $29.99. Is it worth it to save time trying to figure out how to monetize for $29.99? Hell yeah! What is that? One good affiliate sign-up covers that. “I dunno, it’s kinda expensive,” you’re responding. Ok, ok. When you sign up enter the coupon code: freefrombroke. This will get you $5 off the price of the package!
There’s no guarantee that you will become a successful blogger. How far you go and how much money you make is entirely up to you. But getting as many tips and hints as you can can speed up you learning curve so you can spend more time doing the important things like creating great content for your site. How To Make Money With Your Blog can help you with that!
I’ve known Peter about a couple of years now in the blogging world. He’s always been quick to help out when I’ve had question about this or that. His site, Bible Money Matters, has grown in leaps and bounds from when he first started out. I remember when he was on Blogspot and was amazed at what he was able to do with it back then. Now he’s becoming a rising star in the personal finance blog realm (he even created the logo for this site). It would be easy to say I’m writing this because he’s a friend but honestly I don’t think I would be able to write so many words about it if I didn’t think it was informative and put together well. This is how confident Peter is in his How To Make Money With Your Blog – If you aren’t satisfied with the package there is a 30 day money back guarantee.
Check out this quick video presentation of the How To Make Money With Your Blog package:
What do you think? Are you ready to make money with your blog?
(Don’t forget to use the code: freefrombroke to get $5 off your order!!)
(This article contains affiliate links for products mentioned. Purchasing through these links helps keep Free From Broke going.)
Craig, thanks for your kind words, and for letting people know about my ebook. It took a long time to put together, and I’m confident it will really help people!
.-= Peter´s last blog ..Ways To Make Extra Money Series: Guide To Diversifying Your Sources Of Income =-.
You’re welcome. I know you worked hard on this. You’ve really built up your site over the past couple of years and its been great seeing the potential I could have with mine.
Updating the blog regularly is what search engine loves these days. Adding RSS in all the pages of a website also brings in quality traffic…
.-= AC Shophi´s last blog ..Cash Making Power Sites Scam =-.
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