How do you answer “what do you do?” when you meet someone for the first time? Do you give a sheepish answer? Do you shrug off the question because you don’t truly love the work you do?
I’ve been in that position!
Ever wish you could start your career over?
Would you love to create your own business that you love?
Do you want to be your own boss?
Chris Guillebeau has travelled to over 175 nations. He’s looking to visit every country on Earth. Oh, and he’s only in his early thirties (in contrast, I’ve been to about 5 countries besides the U.S. and except for Canada, all the others are Caribbean tourist destinations).
That in itself is a pretty cool and interesting feat!
But how does he pay for all that travelling?
Well, Chris has a certain knack for taking his ideas and turning them into profit.
In his latest book The $100 Startup, Guillebeau culls together information from 50 case studies of individuals who have built businesses that earn $50,000 and more, many of which started out with $100 or less.
The book is a simple guide to help you find your own personal expertise that you can build a business into. Read valuable lessons from other successful entrepreneurs and see how you can do the same.
Sounds like a pretty cool book, right?
It’s on my reading list and it’s not even out yet.
Only72 Sale
There’s a special sale going on right now from the folks at Only72. (click here to skip right to the sale site).
They are offering up a hard copy of The $100 Startup that will be shipped to you, well…basically anywhere.
But that wouldn’t be much of a deal, would it?
Along with the book they are offering up a suite of ebooks/products/tools that were picked to enhance the ideas in The $100 Startup to help you build your business.
Here’s what’s covered in the Only72 sale and the products being offered:
- Corbett Barr – Creating, Marketing, and Designing A Blog That Matters ($40)
- Susannah Conway – Blogging From The Heart (eBook version) ($137)
- Jonathan Mead — Identifying Your Passion Module + Workbook ($97)
- Scott Dinsmore — Live Off Your Passion (lite) ($47)
- Ashley Ambirge — You Don’t Need A Job, You Need Guts ($40)
- Men With Pens — Freelancer Package: Unbelievable Characters, Guest Posting Guide, Beyond Brick & Mortar eBooks ($70)
- Johnny B. Truant — Tao of Awesome ($79)
- Marianne Elliot — 30 Days of Courage (w/ Yoga Module) ($50)
- Pam Slim — Ethical Selling That Works ($97)
- David Risley — Double Your Ad Income ($47)
- Joshua Kaufman — The Personal MBA Guide to Small Business Infrastructure ($49)
- Free The Apps — How to Make iPhone Apps ($97)
- Brett Kelly — Evernote Essentials ($25)
Artists & Writers ($130)
- Alyson Stanfield — Turning Your Hobby into a Career (download & audio program) ($51)
- Chris Guillebeau — Unconventional Guide to Publishing ($79)
Not sure who some of these people are? Google them. Go ahead. Then come back and look what they have contributed to this sale.
Click here to get in on The $100 Startup sale.
So what does this all cost?
Remember, this starts off with a hard cover copy of Chris Guillebeau’s upcoming book The $100 Startup (shipping included).
You are getting over $1,000 in products to help you follow your passion and build your own business.
Check it out — the whole package is being offered for only $100.
That’s about 90% off if you bought each product separately.
Click here to buy
Some time ago Only72 offered up a business guide sale. Let me tell you, I am still going through that material! I keep a folder with the guides on my desktop and try to read up whenever I get the chance.
Is there a catch?
This sale is being offered for only 72 hours (hence the name of the company offering it). This will officially end on Thursday at noon. After that you can buy the book on your own and you can probably find the ebooks from their respective authors, but you’ll be paying for each separately.
Here you get all the material for $100 flat.
This particular deal will not be available again.
Who is Only72?
Only72 is a company put together by our friend Adam Baker of Man vs Debt fame and Karol Gadja ( A few times a year they put together extraordinary packages that are offered up for only 72 hours. Once an offer is done it’s not seen again.
Who is this sale for?
If you are unhappy with your job and career and have been thinking about starting something of your own on the side then this is for you.
There’s really no better time than now to find your passion in work you love to do.
Click here to buy The $100 Startup package or see more information.
[I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m an affiliate for this sale which means if you buy the package I get a commission. That doesn’t take away from what’s being offered here. Take a look and if the deal offers value to you and can help you start a business you are passionate about then buy it.]
Thanks for sharing more about the sale!