I wrote last time about how credit cards suck.
While that may be true at times, it may be more the truth that you suck!
Sounds harsh I know. But a lot of people who have credit card problems need to take a deep breath and look at themselves.
Let’s look at some reasons you say credit cards suck but really you suck:
Late Fees Suck
They sure do! That’s why they are there. It’s meant to punish you for being late and hopefully you remember the next time to get your payment in on time. If there weren’t late fees then everyone would pay late. If you pay late once it’s an accident and you can ask your credit card company to remove the charge. If you’re late more often then it’s all your fault and you have to look at your bill/pay system. You know you can ask to have your due date changed, don’t you?
They Trick You on Rates
Look, they may put the details in small print but the details are still there. If you didn’t read through them then that’s your fault. Read the details and ask questions!
The Minimums Are So Low I Can’t Get My Balance Paid

Every now and then we need a little help with our finances. Something come up this month? You can pay the minimum. But if you make it a habit to pay the minimum and you can’t afford more then you have to look at your spending habits and your finances. It’s not the credit card company’s fault you find yourself unable to pay more.
The Interest Rates Are Too High
Why are they high? Probably because you don’t have good credit and you are a risk. The credit card is giving you money remember? It’s like an instant loan. You know what it would take to go to a bank to get a personal loan just to buy a new sweater? Very inconvenient! That’s why the credit card company can charge you their rate. If you don’t like the high rate then start paying off your credit card balance and make sure your payments are on time. Then call them up and ask them to lower the rate. And here’s something else – If you pay your balance on time every month then it doesn’t matter what the rate is because you won’t have to pay interest!
It’s Too Easy to Spend
C’mon! Seriously?!? Have some self control. Take a look at why you think you need to use a credit card so often. Why are you spending so much? You can’t blame the credit card company because you can’t control yourself.
Stop blaming credit card companies!
No one told you to get a credit card. OK, maybe it helps to have one to build up a credit history but it’s not their fault if you abuse the card. Take control of you situation and start to do something about it!